Monday, January 30, 2012

30 weeks!

How Far Along? : 30 weeks!

TOTAL Weight Gain: 20 ibs as of 1/26

Maternity clothes? : yep!

Stretch Marks? : Couple small ones on my hips, no biggie. none on my tummy so far!

Sleep: got a LOT of sleep this weekend, thank goodness- hoping it continues!

Best Moment This Week: just hitting the 30 week mark blows my mind, amazing.

Miss Anything? : sleeping on my stomach, wine!

Movement: all the time! she's getting more and more active!

Food Cravings: bananas and chocolate ice cream

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? : not a thing!

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: nothin' !

Symptoms: lack of sleep, heartburn, back pain

Belly Button In or Out? : nice and flat, not in or out!

Wedding Rings On or Off? : off some days, on other days- just depends on the day!

Happy or Moody? : happy! (but sleepy)

"At 30 weeks, your belly’s doing more than just making it tough to find a comfortable sleeping position. It’s made itself a conversation piece. Everywhere you go, someone seems to have a comment about your physical appearance, which isn’t always so fun. And no doubt, you’ve encountered quite a few people who don’t think before they speak and say something embarrassing or hurtful (what’s up with that?) Try not to take those comments seriously, but know which ones should be taken to heart. Like when they tell you you’re glowing, believe them! And take advantage of some of the perks (when someone offers you their seat on the train -- take it!) At week 30, your dreams might be getting even weirder -- if you’re actually sleeping, that is. That could be a result of anxiety, so consider doing some prep work to help you rest easier. One idea? Do a test drive to see exactly how long it really takes you to get to the hospital. Then maybe you’ll stop having nightmares about giving birth in your car.Her skin is getting smoother.But her brain is getting wrinklier -- to make way for all that essential brain tissue.She's now strong enough to grasp a finger!"

Your 15.2- to 16.7-inch, 2.5- to 3.8-pound baby continues to grow.

The couldn't be more right with their little description for this week- the whole belly being a conversation piece. Just today I had a complete stranger not hold back a thing. I went to Wendy's right by my work cause our water wasn't working so there was no working bathroom, and I had to go! LOL-- couple coworkers asked me to pick them up some food so I go to the counter and have the following convo...

MANAGER at Wendy's: " you must be having a boy, you're HUGE!!"
Me: "nope..its a girl"
Manager: "really? wow. you must eat A LOT then. Biggest girl I've ever seen. when are you due?"
Me: "April 12th..."
Manager: " OH MY GOSH! I thought you were due like any day now, thats one huge baby! you're huge!"
As I'm walking out the door he then yells... " Goodluck with that HUGE baby! you'll need it! I'd know, I have kids!!"

yep, the MANAGER said all this to me. wonderful customer service right? i was pissed, but more hurt so i just walked out with tears in my eyes. HOW RUDE!! people really need to think before they speak. i got home and joey was waiting to give me a big hug and told me how beautiful i am...thats all i care about- my husband thinks i'm gorgeous, and my doctor says i'm right on track! whats funny is when i went last week she told me i was measuring a couple weeks i thought i was small! whatever.
i'm all hips/tummy for now and i'm proud of that. 20 ibs isnt too shabby. i know i'll gain a lot more in the next 10 weeks and theres a good chance itll spread to my face/rest of my body....i'm prepared for that (kinda lol). but for now, i'm really proud of how i've done with my weight. its still not easy to hear things like how HUGE you are though... thats just the woman in me!

anyways. this weekend i'm heading to Charlotte for Brynn's baptism. I'm excited to see everyone cause its been a while, but i'd be lying if i said a small part of me didnt wanna stay home. joey can't go cause our dog sitter fell through at the last minute- and this weekend is our 3 year anniversary. our last anniversary before kids-- even though we didn't have super fancy plans, i really want to be with him. so i'm pretty bummed. but Brynn's baptism is important, and i'm looking forward to seeing everyone. hopefully when i get home sunday evening he and & i can still celebrate. otherwise maybe another weekend--just playing it by ear for now!

we had our maternity shoot this past weekend! i am so excited to get them all back and see how they look. it ended up being SUPER cold (of course) and windy. our faces were frozen, noses were runny, and the wind was blowing my hair all over the place. so i'm crossing my fingers despite all of that i look halfway decent lol. we had a a BLAST though with Chris & Christina (my cousin and her husband)- we laughed so hard the entire morning. the shoot was a lot of fun; we used a lot of props, took a lot of fun shots, the whole thing was very laid back and fun. i'm anxious to get the pictures back :)

other than work and charlotte this weekend- not a ton going on. just gearing up for a very busy month, so excited for all the baby showers and fun stuff going on!!

Friday, January 27, 2012


yep, i've hit that point of being uncomfortable-- and yes i know "just wait"...its only gonna get worse.

this morning i got up and put my jeans on (yay for jeans on fridays!) and they felt a bit tight, i figured because i'd just washed them so they just needed to stretch out.
well that was 645am this morning and here we are 2:30...i am SO uncomfortable!! ive tried really hard not to buy any maternity clothes to save money- just been using hand me downs and wearing tshirts/jeans on days like todays.

well my shirts are quickly becoming too small, or too short. and now all of a sudden my maternity jeans are tight?? its just in the hips- ive been lucky that thus far i'm all baby- its just my tummy/hips getting bigger. but all of a sudden my pants are fitting a lot differently! sitting at work and all i can think about is how uncomfortable i am, and how its only going to get worse and worse over the next 10 weeks! lord help me.

basically if i could be naked all the time or walk around in a bra/panties i probably would. even sweat pants feel constricting on me- i end up kicking them off in the middle of the night! i just feel huge!! getting dressed is my least favorite thing these days.

anyhoo. i had my doctor's appointment yesterday. Adelynn's heartbeat is nice and strong :) my BP was a little high but historically its perfect- i told them its been a stressful week so they didnt seem too concerned. i gained another 4 Ibs so i've officially hit the 20ib mark...i have mixed feelings. trust me i KNOW gaining weight is part of it, and like i said so far i'm all hips and belly-- i just really want to keep my weight under control as much as possible. i was told to gain between 25-35 so i hope i stay within that!
anyways- i was also told Adelynn is finally head down! up until yesterday she has been breech all along. so i'm glad about that. granted i know she can still move around in the next 10 weeks but my doctor seemed pretty confident she won't be breech when the big day comes for her arrival.
overall it was a great appointment- her and i both checked out well! next appointment is Feb 9th.

i still cant get over how soon she'll be here!

tomorrow we have our maternity pictures- i'm so nervous/excited!! i'm super excited cause my cousins are awesome photographers and its gonna be fun. we have a lot of fun ideas. def going the fun/laid back route as far as this shoot goes. but for a couple who wore checks at their wedding *both of them!* are you surprised?? seems fitting :) i just hope i look pretty and my hair isn't a hot mess! my hair is curly, and ya kinda just gotta wait for it to dry and then see if its a good hair day or not. it kinda does what it wants. so fingers crossed for a good hair day tomorrow!!

thats all for now!

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

29 weeks!

How Far Along? : 29 weeks!

TOTAL Weight Gain: 16 ibs as of 1/12

Maternity clothes? : yep!

Stretch Marks? : Couple small ones on my hips, no biggie. hoping i don't get them on my tummy though!

Sleep: AWFUL lately! Can't get comfortable, and no amount of pillows help!

Best Moment This Week: hiccups for the first time, how cool!

Miss Anything? : sleeping on my stomach

Movement: all the time

Food Cravings: bananas and chocolate ice cream

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? : not a thing!

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: braxton hicks- i think i felt one the other

Symptoms: lack of sleep

Belly Button In or Out? : nice and flat, not in or out!

Wedding Rings On or Off? : off some days, on other days- just depends on the day!

Happy or Moody? : happy! (but sleepy)

"You’re probably already getting a little preview of baby’s personality, the more your feel her move. You might get some playful kicks and jabs, and start to feel little hiccups, too! At 29 weeks, she’s not just moving a lot, she’s also plumping up. And as she continues to put pressure on your digestive system, you’re going to feel the effects.Week 29 is a good time to start finalizing stuff, like stocking the nursery with baby care essentials and checking out a few potential day cares. You’ll also want to start packing a few things you know you’ll want with you at the hospital at baby’s birth. Leave it by the door, so you can add stuff you think of along the way -- and so you can grab it at a moment’s notice.She's getting a little cramped in there, since she's growing so fast. But you probably already realize that, since you're getting all those jabs and kicks. she's growing white fat deposits under her skin, and her energy is surging because of it.Feel a subtle twitch? It might be baby hiccupping."

Baby already measures about 15.2 to 16.7 inches long. Right now, she weighs about 2.5 to 3.8 pounds but she's still got a ways to go -- can you believe she'll triple in weight before birth?

next doctor's appointment is this Thursday, excited to hear her heartbeat again :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

11 more weeks? OMG!

11 more weeks (or maybe less if she comes early) till we have a baby girl. HOLY CRAP! My mind is racing.

To Do List:
-Finalize pediatrician
-Window treatment for nursery
-finish closet in nursery
-white floating shelves for nursery
-Baby showers
-Hospital bag
-Hospital tour (scheduled)
-Finish birthing class DVD
-Gather gear for daycare
-Baptism class at church
-Plan/schedule baptism
-Maternity pictures (this weekend)

and the list goes on. Not to mention my JOB!

I have so many mixed emotions. I am so dang excited to see her sweet face, hold her- my heart explodes just thinking about it!
Then theres' the nervousness of being a new parent.
Then theres' the whole 6 weeks home with her then back to work full time thing...thats whats weighing most heavy on my heart right now. I'm trying desperately not to dwell but my mind keeps going back to it...but, what can I do?

I feel like shes going to be here before we know it. February is going to FLY by...March will probably drag ;) I just can't get over how close it is, our lives are about to change forever!

I can't wait to meet our sweet baby girl!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

i feel like a mommy, officially.

so i've been pregnant a while...28 weeks to be exact ;) but i remember in the beginning it took me a while to feel pregnant--if you've been prego before i'm sure you know what i mean.

well same thing with being a mommy. i never FELT like a mommy, not really. until today.

i was working out daycare with my cousin Jackie- and it just hit me. after 6 short weeks of maternity leave...i have to leave

Don't get me wrong; i am SO grateful Jackie wants to watch her; we're keeping Adelynn with family, I trust Jackie, its right by our house, etc etc etc. BUT it still breaks my heart. It breaks my heart that i won't be with her everyday. that i'll only get her for a couple hours a night and on weekends. that she may have a better bond with someone other than me. that Jackie will KNOW her inside and out, get to be there for her, take care of her, etc. im jealous plain and simple.

i never thought i'd WANT to be a SAHM. and it's never been in the cards for me, it just doesn't work out financially for us. and it breaks my heart. don't get me wrong- I LOVE MY JOB. i love what i'm doing, who i'm working for- i am so fulfilled in my career right now.

it just makes me sad to think about leaving her, not being there for her. i had a huge lump in my throat today thinking/talking about it, and i won't lie...i cried a little on the way home. i'm trying my best to drop it, not dwell; cause theres nothing i can do about it. but now i understand where women who are SAHM are coming from- the light bulb went off for me!

and now? i officially feel like a mommy :) which as sad as this example is...its a pretty dang cool feeling, to really feel like a momma.

so all the ladies who CAN stay home? appreciate your blessings!!! i'm envious!
and those of you who aren't mommies yet? just wait! you'll understand one day, i finally do!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

28 weeks!

How Far Along? : 28 weeks!

TOTAL Weight Gain: 16 ibs as of 1/12

Maternity clothes? : yep!

Stretch Marks? : none yet!

Sleep: AWFUL lately! Joey is on 'tummy watch' he wakes me up if I end up on my tummy-poor guy! I'm getting up to pee at least 2x a night, and just can't get comfy!

Best Moment This Week: feeling/being more aware of her; I can tell shes gotten bigger :)

Miss Anything? : not really!

Movement: a LOT this week!

Food Cravings: sweets, as always. and FRUIT! sushi and hibachi! cravings haven't changed! LOTS of bananas and apples this week.

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? : not a thing!

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: swollen fingers, lack of sleep, peeing like CRAZY!

Belly Button In or Out? : nice and flat, not in or out!

Wedding Rings On or Off? : they were off for a couple days but got 'em back on this morning!

Happy or Moody? : happy! (but sleepy)

"Welcome to the third trimester! Moms-to-be who are at 28 weeks and beyond are known for their lack of sleep. Remember if you find yourself up in the middle of the night, do something relaxing. This is not the time to vacuum the house from top to bottom -- even though you might feel the urge to do that at some point. Read a book, drink chamomile tea, listen to soothing music. Then try to get back to bed and get some rest! Being in the third trimester also means much of your and baby’s anatomy are ready to go -- she's prepping for breathing, and your breasts already have colostrum, which is what baby will eat the first few days until your milk comes in. You’ll also start feeling more Braxton Hicks contractions as your body gets ready for labor. Baby will keep getting bigger -- and smarter -- after week 28, and other than that, she just needs a few more finishing touches.
She's starting to develop more fat, so her wrinkly skin will start to get smoother.Her lungs are mature enough that she'd probably survive if she was born now. Wow!"

Putting on layers of fat, your baby now weighs in around 1.5 to 2.5 pounds and measures about 13.6 to 14.8 inches.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Reflections, Curse Words, Pride.

I've been reflecting on life a lot lately. Everything from our jobs, our marriage, our home, our family, finances, etc. The thought of bringing a baby in to this world, and in to our lives specifically, has caused me to do a lot of this lately. oh yeah, and all the haters/negative people too.

I just have to say. I'm proud of us.

Lord knows Joey & I did things unconventional; if anything we just didn't do a damn thing easy. but we followed our hearts and stayed true to ourselves- and thats all that matters. We're coming up on 3 years of marriage (Feb 5th) and its amazing how far we've come from where we started.

When we were dating, EVERYONE thought we were both nuts. we let them think that and just kept doing what we were doing. If I were an outsider looking in? I may have felt the same way too-- we hadn't seen eachother since High School (so it'd been..almost 3 years) I was living in Athens going to school and he was over in Germany in the Army. We reconnected on FB and the rest is history. Facebook- thats right. THATS how we reconnected, and now? We're married with a baby on the way!

BUT like I said, we followed our hearts. It wasn't an easy path. We were apart about 95% of our courtship. Relying solely on email, IM, Skype. I would stay up till after midnight so I could see him when he woke up in the morning (thank you 6 hour time difference), then he would stay up late to see me when I got off work. It was hard, VERY hard. But we made it work. He came home once for 2 weeks, and a few months later I went and spent a month in Germany with him. Those brief visits together is what reassured us we were meant to be. We both knew quickly, we'd be married. I knew God put this man here for ME.

Then came the deployment, that ALMOST broke us. A very long 15 month deployment to Iraq. We had the Germany thing down pat. but this was a whole nother monster that I can honestly say I wasn't ready for. This wasn't Joey's first rodeo, he had deployed to Iraq once before,already. It shook my world. I was constantly worried for his safety, I'd go days or weeks without any kind of word from him. When I did hear from him it would be an email or letter in the mail. Phone calls were few and far between, but when I did get to hear his voice? it was the best feeling in the world. To hear him say I love you, to hear him call me sunshine- it makes me tear up remembering it now.

But got bad. Out of nowhere we broke up. The pressure of the deployment was... a lot. I won't go in to the details/reasons why, those are personal to us. but it happened. and it broke me. I totally lost myself, I was literally nothing without him. Yes, I am a die hard romantic-and it may sound dramatic. but I KNEW in my heart, he was supposed to be my husband. Joey knew it too- cause we still talked and went back and forth during that 3 month break up. All the while he was still in Iraq.

and then? we both stopped fighting it and gave in, got back together and he asked me to marry him. Seriously. Thats how it happened! Next thing I know I'm telling our families that when Joey comes home on RnR we're getting married. I had a mere 3 weeks to throw a wedding together!

and you may wonder WHY we decided to get married so quickly instead of waiting, having a nice long engagement, a big wedding, ya it the 'traditional' way. Well, at the time he was planning on re-enlisting, and changing his MOS. BEFORE that happened we wanted to be married, so I could go with him.(obviously some things happened and we decided the best thing was to get OUT of the army) We didn't want to be apart anymore, so we took control and decided thats what we were going to do. We had our families support 100000%, they were thrilled for us! SO yes I gave up the engagement pictures, engagement party, big traditional wedding, honeymoon, etc etc. But I didn't even hesitate, because I KNEW this was right.

Fast forward to his RnR...we hadn't seen each other in almost a YEAR. Went through a break up. SO much had happened! and next thing I know I'm SPRINTING through the airport to find him. THAT moment, is one I will LITERALLY never forget. Jumping in to his arms, feeling him, smelling him, seeing him, OH MY GOD I can't even describe to you the feeling of seeing him in one piece safe & sound-- and here to MARRY ME.

Over the next three years we would experience, A LOT...there was a lot of hard times, and a ton of amazing ones too. We worked our asses off to get where we are. NOTHING was handed to us, EVERYTHING we have was earned and I can say that in all honesty. NOTHING was easy.

let me say that one. more. time.- NOTHING WAS EASY. but thats okay, because we appreciate every single thing we have because of that. We wouldn't have it any other way, I am not complaining that it was hard, that it wasn't easy, that we weren't handed everything, etc. but let me just send out a big F YOU to anyone who thinks that is the case. We are 24 & 25 years old, living within our means. We have nice USED cars, a nice home we can afford to live in, nice things we've bought either used or saved up for to buy new, etc.

period. and we are damn proud of that.

I'm so proud of us and the life we've built. I love my husband more every single day. He works hard to provide for our family, treats me like a princess, and reminds me to stress less and have more fun in life. He is a God send! He is already an amazing Daddy, and I know when Adelynn gets here the two of them will have an amazing bond.

this is not me bragging about my life, this is me just reflecting and being thankful. Anyone reading this who 'sees it' as me bragging? doesn't know me, or know us, and honestly? I dont need those kinda people in my life that would be so judgmental. Maybe I sound like a bitch but I dont care! Its my blog, I write what I want! - but seriously, I'm just really sick of people talking shit, being judgmental, making assumptions that aren't true, and just being all around negative.

so theres my ramble of reflections, curse words, and pride. Heres to the next phase in our life- our sweet baby girl, I have no doubt it'll be the best yet!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

27 weeks!

How Far Along? : 27 weeks!

TOTAL Weight Gain: 11 ibs as of 12/29

Maternity clothes? : yep!

Stretch Marks? : none yet!

Sleep: this week sleeping well, just not long enough.

Best Moment This Week: BFing class and a phone convo with my cousin about BF- feelin' a lot more prepared and confident!

Miss Anything? : not really!

Movement: not a whole lot this week, which makes me nervous; but she gives me a good kick every now and then which eases my mind. i think i've just been too active this week..?

Food Cravings: sweets, as always. and FRUIT! sushi and hibachi! cravings haven't changed!

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? : feelin' a little sick today but overall doing great.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: swollen fingers and feet!

Belly Button In or Out? : it seems like its laying flat now..kinda hard to explain!

Wedding Rings On or Off? : on but feelin' tight!

Happy or Moody? : happy! (but sleepy)

"At 27 weeks, baby is breathing (it’s amniotic fluid, not air, but it still counts) and even showing brain activity. You’ve got a lot on your brain, too, from wondering what labor and delivery is going to be like to trying to find the best pediatrician for baby. The annoying symptoms you’ve been having probably aren’t going away, but at least you’ve probably found some ways to deal with them -- and hey, maybe you’re used to them right now. As you say goodbye to the second trimester, you can look forward to some pretty embarrassing stuff (like having to pee all the time -- and maybe even when you don’t mean to at all) that’s all par for the late-pregnancy course. It’s time to head down the home stretch. Are you ready? She's practicing inhaling and exhaling with her rapidly developing lungs.It's official: Baby's showing brain activity! And her brain will keep on getting more complex."

At 13.6 to 14.8 inches and 1.5 to 2.5 pounds, she's not just getting bigger, she's getting smarter!

I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow morning so i may update afterward :)

I scheduled my Maternity Pictures with my awesome cousin Christina! I'm excited but nervous. Nervous because I wanna look pretty lol really hoping they turn out well! We're doing 'em NEXT weekend,so I need to find something to wear like asap!

Next month is going to be INSANE for us...

*Weekend of the 5th = our 3 year wedding anniversary and Brynn's baptism, so we'll be in Charlotte.
*11th = Tina's baby shower in Ksaw
*12th= Baby shower Neen is throwing me
*14th= Vday
*18th= Family/Friend Baby Shower (at my mamas)
*23rd = Hospital tour
*25th= Becca's birfday, and Baby shower by her,Court,and Vik!

JAM PACKED February! but itll be so fun :)

This week we have dinner/movie plans with Rick and Jackie which I'm super excited about cause we haven't hung out with them in forever! and this weekend? a whole lot of nothing! which will either be nice, or boring lol. might have to have another date night ;) we've been squeezing in a lot of those lately!


goodbye for now!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

26 weeks!

How Far Along? : 26 weeks!

TOTAL Weight Gain: 11 ibs as of 12/29

Maternity clothes? : yep! pants, shirts, everything! got a couple more shirts yesterday, non-maternity just bought in a bigger size. they're super cute too!

Stretch Marks? : none yet!

Sleep: i think i finally found my sweet spot with my snoogle! sleeping a lot better.

Best Moment This Week: hasn't happened yet, but coffee with SIL Becca on Saturday and joey's birthday dinner/laser tag saturday night!

Miss Anything? : not really!

Movement: all the time; shes kicking a lot harder now too!

Food Cravings: sweets, as always. and FRUIT! sushi and hibachi! cravings haven't changed!

Anything Making You Queasy or Sick? : nope! feelin' great these days.

Gender: GIRL!

Labor Signs: none

Symptoms: swollen fingers, they look like little sausages!

Belly Button In or Out? : half in, half out- seriously...its possible.still hasn't popped!

Wedding Rings On or Off? : on but feelin' tight!

Happy or Moody? : lately? sleepy/lazy!

"Wow! Can you believe baby has eyelashes at 26 weeks? And she’s amping up to start batting them soon. At this point, it probably feels like this baby (who you haven’t even met yet) has taken over your life. She’s interfering with your sleep. She’s messing with your brain. (Forget much?) She might even be giving you a stress headache or two. It’s normal to be experiencing some mild swelling, but around week 26, it’s important to watch out for swelling severe or sudden -- it could be the sign of a dangerous condition called preeclampsia. Notice your belly occasionally feeling really tight? That’s a contraction. Yup, already. Don’t freak out though -- your body is just practicing some tightening in preparation for labor. As long as the contractions aren’t steady or severe, you’re not in labor.Her eyes are forming, and his eyes will soon start to open. And her eyelashes are now grown, too.She's getting her immune system ready for life on the outside by soaking up your antibodies.She's taking breaths, too. They're of amniotic fluid, not air, but it's still good practice."

She's still growing in the 13.6- to 14.8-inch and 1.5- to 2.5-pound range, and developing her senses, features and talents!

Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012!!

Happy New Year everyone!!

We had a very laid back new years; dinner with the in-laws and then home to relax and be lazy together, watching movies until midnight when we watched the ball drop and gave each other smooches :)

This is the year Adelynn will be here!!

I went to the doctor last week and they told me I'll be coming every 2 weeks now! So my next appointment is Jan 12th. I passed my glucose test with flying colors (woo hoo!) which was a relief, and Doc said everything else looks great! I haven't gained any weight since my last appointment (11/29) which was SHOCKING, still only 11 Ibs. so far this pregnancy, I'm just waiting to balloon up all of a sudden lol.

I'm starting to get to work on my check list, I'm almost in the third trimester so it's time to kick it in to gear and start getting some stuff done! I signed us up for our hospital tour at the end of February, Mid January is my BFing class, I bought 3 DVDs off Amazon: One for BFing, One birth class, one for baby care basics. I also bought a BFing book! I know nothing will prepare me for parenthood, BUT at least I won't be going in to everything totally blind. I want to prepare as much as I can for BFing and L&D! Can't hurt right? I need to start looking for a pediatrician!

One thing I'm suuuuuper tired of, all the "just wait" comments Joey & I keep getting. "You're tired now? Just wait till the babys here and you get no sleep!" or "Date night? Whats that? Once you have the baby you won't have the time OR money for that!" and on and on.... Joey and I have never had a child, yep thats a true fact. However, if we weren't ready for the change in our lives...we weren't ready for the responsibility, the financial change, etc... we wouldn't have decided to start a family. Yes we know it will have its hard times, we will be tired, things might get hard- but don't you think Adelynn is SO worth it? I'm really sick of hearin it!
I'm also having to be SUPER careful about what I post on FB, cause lord knows I post one tiny comment and people BLOW ME UP with their opinions and advice. it happens in person to-everywhere! I appreciate it, but if I don't ask for it....don't give it to me! I know that probably sounds mean but sometimes it just gets overwhelming.

We're happy about this baby, we want this baby; yes it won't be all good all the time, it'll get hard at times- but we're trying to keep positivity flowing. I don't think theres anything wrong with that!

January is gonna be a crazy busy month at work for me! and February we have so much going on but I'm so excited: Brynn's baptism in Charlotte, our 3 year wedding anniv, Tina's baby shower, 3 of my own baby showers, Valetines Day, etc. INSANE! but will be so much fun. Before I know it, it'll be March and we'll be 4 weeks away from Adelynn being here!! Crazy!

Loving life right now, so excited for the next few months and can't wait to meet our baby girl!