Tuesday, April 23, 2013


12 months, ONE YEAR. it finally came.

holy moly!

Friday 4/12 was baby's birthday, so I took off work and spent the whole day with my girl. she was a bit fussy from teething so we spent the day at home, being lazy and playing! I of course cried a few times through out the day, ha. I woke her up in the morning by singing happy birthday to her, and she stood there in her crib justa smilin' away at me!

Saturday 4/13 was her birthday party! we had it at my in-laws house cause they have a little more room than we do at our house. we wanted to keep it small and low key- cause its just more inexpensive (lets keep it real!), and we wanted it to be very chill. I think it went well, but I hate to say it-I spent most of the day stressed out. The normal stress that comes along with any party,but on top of it my granny ended up in the hospital very randomly- so my mom was with her, and I was getting phone calls/texts on that. With that in the back of my mind, chasing baby, and trying to play a good host-it was stressful (for me at least).
But overall it was awesome. We had perfect weather! Decorations were all hand made by my SILs, Vik, and myself. I also used a lot of sentimental things for decor-- hung a clothesline with all her monthly tutu pictures, another clothesline with the outfit we brought her home from the hospital in, her baby book was out along with some photo books I'd made, photo albums, 'On the night you were born' for everyone to sign/write in, her "first sunglasses" (aka her NICU goggles), first tutu, etc. I wanted it to be special, sentimental- so all of those things were far better decorations in my book! My SIL of course made the cake and it was awesome, Joey grilled all the food and it was delicious, and overall I think everyone had a good time!
Baby got spoiled rotten with gifts- lots of clothes, which was perfect since we had NO 12 month clothes! She was a little party girl too- not shy at all, our normal happy girl, and ended up skipping her second nap AND staying up two hours past bedtime! She had a blast, and a full day--we all slept hard that night! Heres some pictures from the party:

And what better way to celebrate her first year of birth than good news all around?? Joey was accepted in to Gwinnett Tech and will start in May! So proud of him for bettering himself, and things for our family!
I also was offered (and accepted!) a job with AdjusterPro! I'm now a Career Consultant for them, and so far am loving it. Coworkers are awesome people to work with. But the coolest part? Its 100% from home! After over a year of me crying about this (ha) it has finally happened! I now work totally from home, full time, and they are totally supportive of me having Adelynn home with me! For now she will stay at daycare, I wanted to get through all my training first, get a good feel for my work flow/demand, and get in to a routine before I bring her in to the mix. This is my first week, and its very cool so far. I get up and showered in the morning, and get to see Joey & Adelynn- which is a great way to start my day! He leaves for work/to take her to daycare, and I sip my coffee on the couch till my work day starts. At the moment my brain is mush from all the new information, but I'm really enjoying it so far and feel SO BLESSED to have this opportunity. This has been a long time coming, and I've been determined for SO LONG to make this happen.

Its amazing the difference a year can make! And thanks to my baby girl, it has only gotten better everyday. Joey and I were laying in bed last night talking about how awesome she is, how lucky we are, the day she was born-- and then we both just wanted to go grab her and snuggle her. We both adore her, and dont underestimate or under-appreciate how lucky we are to have her. I can hardly remember life without her, and I never want to. I am one weepy mama about the fact that I have a one year old, but I am SO proud of her.

We took her to her one year check up last week! She is 21 Ibs and 30in. She has almost 14 teeth, has been walking for two months, and is just all over the dang place! She is SO MUCH fun! I love her personality. Such a happy, silly little baby. and yes, I will always call her baby!