Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Younique By Kelly-- BB Cream!

I don't know about you, but when I first heard the term BB Cream I had no idea what it was!

Shortly after trying Younique's mascara, I looked in to the BB Cream and decided to give it a shot. I'm glad I did, because next to the mascara- its something I wear every single day.

The BB Cream is light weight (not cakey, yuck!) and gives you a flawless, dewy finish. It truly is a complexion enhancer. I have awful circles under my eyes, they almost look purple-- and after my first pregnancy I've had super splotchy skin, which is very noticeable as I am very very fair skinned. (I use the cream colored cream) This stuff works wonders on evening out my complexion and giving my skin a nice, even finish. A lot of times I will only wear BB cream, no concealor or foundation!

I absolutely love the results I get with it. It also acts as a moisturizer, which is perfect with all this cold weather we're having now.

As for application, everyone does it differently. You can use a brush, sponge, or just your fingers! You can also use it for highlighting and contouring.

I've had a lot of girls try this out shortly after getting hooked on the mascara, and every single one of them love it!

Needless to say, it is something I will forever keep in stock for myself! When I have my baby girl next week, mascara and BB Cream will for sure be in my hospital bag ;)

Get yours here: BB Cream

 mini make over  by ME!

and an after shot with better lighting outside ;)

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Vanity Primp

make up lovers, take note!

I stumbled across this sweet lady on instagram a few weeks ago, and I'm so glad I did! She makes customized compact mirrors- THAT HAVE LIGHTS! she can also do phone cases too! Her work is AWESOME.

Go follow her on IG @vanityprimp and take a look at all her goodies.

Working with her to create my mirror was a breeze- we emailed back and forth a bit so she could get an idea of what I liked, what I was in to. I told her: hello kitty, younique (duh), starbucks, pink, flowers, etc etc and this is what she came up with:

um...hello gorgeous.


I'm also getting a phone case, check it out:

I mean...I love it.

So like I said, go find her on IG @vanityprimp, and you can also email her vanityprimp@yahoo.com

Tell her Kelly sentcha ;)

Below are some more pictures of other mirrors she has done!

Younique By Kelly -- Eye Pigments!


The eye pigments are about to go up in price, so stock up now if you've been thinking about it!

Currently they are $10/pigment, but starting in just two days (11/1) they will be going up to $12.50/pigment.

What is great about these pigments, is they are so versatile. You can wear them wet or dry. You can also apply them as a liner, make your own nail polish, or even use them as hair chalk!

Not to mention they are free of all the harmful junk that comes in most makeup. No chemicals, oils, perfumes,talc, synthetic dyes, no fillers, or parabens. 100% natural!

Get to it ladies, a couple colors have already run out of stock and are on back order- so if there are colors you've got your eye on, snag 'em at the $10 price before 11/1 !

Thinking of getting a few? Check out the sets, you'll save money that way. You can buy individually (for now) at $10/pigment, OR do a set of 4 for $35 (saving $5), OR do a set of 8 for $65 (saving $15). *And yes, you get to choose the colors!*

And as always, we do have a Love It Guarantee-- nothing to lose!

Holler at me with any questions, and to shop for pigments as well as all other products, go to my site: www.3DLashesByKelly.com

Also find me on instagram @youniquekellyr

Friday, October 24, 2014

Younique by Kelly -- 3D Fiber Lashes!

If you haven't heard yet.... I'm now a Younique rep! I know I know...direct sales *insert eye roll here*. But man, this company and these products really ARE different!

Today I'm going to talk about the best selling product: the 3D Fiber Lash Mascara!

Before I joined Younique I had a friend ask me to throw an online party for her, so I said sure, why not. I ended up having a decent party sales-wise so was able to get the mascara free with my hostess rewards. I wasn't really all that interested and was kind of having a take or leave it type attitude. BUT...once I tried it? I was hooked. The difference it made in my lashes was crazy. I've been using Cover Girl Lash Blast for years and thought it was the bees knees...boy was I wrong.

On one eye you can see Younique, and on the other- the Cover Girl Lash Blast I've used forever.
Guess which is which!?

This is when I knew this makeup was different. I started using the mascara every single dang day and fell in love with it more and more. A couple weeks later I was curious about selling...and here I am! Business is booming!

The mascara is two tubes, one is the Transplanting Gel and the other are the Green Tea Fibers.

What I love about this company and these products, is a lot of them are hypoallergenic! Also: vegan, cruelty free, gluten free, and so on. My skin has been so sensitive since I had my little one, everything makes me break out in a rash- not this stuff!

Step 1: Gel
Step 2: Fibers
Step 3: Gel


You CAN use your old mascara as a base if you want- I've done it both ways and tend to change it up daily. At first, it will feel weird-- cause its different that what you're used to! But now its like second nature to me and takes no time at all.

Here is a good video going over the application- and you can see the difference in her lashes right away- its like magic! (you don't need sound either, she uses captions!) Not only does she show how to apply, but she shows you how to make them even longer.

Whats cool is you can layer the mascara as much as you want, to get your lashes as full and thick as you want! On a daily basis I only use 1, maybe 2 coats. But if I'm going out or going to an event, I'll go more bold. The below picture is from a wedding I went to a couple weeks ago- this is 3 coats of Younique!

What is even more awesome about this company? We have a Love It Guarentee! Don't like it? Return/exchange it! I've been selling this since August, and so far- NO returns. Everyone who has tried it has LOVED it. Skeptics turned to believers, I have a group of loyal customers ordering over and over cause they can't imagine using their old mascara again!

The cost? $29. Seems high right? BUT, this stuff will last up to 3 months! I use it daily, applying anywhere 1 to 4 coats, and it lasted me over 3 months! I just had to re-order a new mascara recently, and I'm actually still using my original one.

So! What are you waiting for?? 

Get it here: www.3DLashesByKelly.com

Next time, I'll talk about BB Cream!

Monday, June 2, 2014

It's A......baby!


another baby girl for the Rickels :) No one was surprised ha.

So, this cute little baby is Penelope Ann Rickels, or Penny :) a baby sister for Adelynn!

My mom and niece Payton came to the ultrasound along with my in-laws too-- so it was nice having them there to share in the anticipation/excitement, and they got to see miss penny swimming around on a big screen. they gave us a dvd of all the pictures as well as a dvd of the ultrasound, its about a 10 minute video. we got the same with adelynn when we found out she was a girl, so its cool to have both of those for the girls.

we're pretty dang excited! we've already somewhat started working on her room. theme is gray,pink, white, elephants. we've already got a dresser/changing table- its wood colored so joey will be sanding it down so we can paint it a light gray. i also have her crib, gray. and an antique telephone table that was refinished in gray/white, to use next to the glider. we just need to paint the walls and start putting everything together! which is a ton of fun, i had so much fun doing this with adelynn so i'm excited to get started with penny.

i have my next doc appt this week for a check up, 16 weeks along now! its flying by so far. all is looking good and healthy too which is always awesome.

i'm not sick anymore- and thankful for that. but i've been dealing with awful headaches every day, and some serious insomnia at night. i just lay there, wide away. the last two nights i've gotten up about 4am and gone downstairs cause i cant fall back asleep. it sucks! i'm anxious to ask the doc about it thursday - never had this with adelynn.

so, thats all for now-- exciting stuff! excited to meet miss penny in November!

Friday, May 2, 2014

shit just got real.

ha. thats right. baby 2 is on the way :)

MAN i miss blogging. it has been so long. it keeps going on the back burner. half the reason is life is just crazy busy, and the other half is cause sometimes i just have nothing awesome to write about. but alas, baby 2 is definitely awesome to write about.

we found out pretty early, i was 3 weeks! back in March, joey was putting together adelynn's swing set (for her birthday, yes...she turned TWO a couple weeks ago) and i was dying to tell him. once he finished the set i took baby out there to swing- and i started taking pictures but really, my sneaky self was taking video. i said " say cheese!" then said " say, I'm a big sister!". His face was priceless. Glad i got it on video!

We kept it between us till her birthday party- we figured by then i'd be almost 9 weeks, had my first doc appointment, and what better way to tell everyone? the whole family was all in one place, everyone was there at her birthday party. i wrapped up three big sister books and a big sister tshirt to open last. but miss birthday girl had a melt down (she was tired and over it) so my cute idea of having HER open it fell apart. bummer. but my neice payton was helping open gifts since adelynn had no desire. i have a video of that too-- no one was paying attention ha so it took a few minutes. but we surprised everyone and got lots of congrats. it was a lot of fun!

this baby is due November 18th. But since i'm having a repeat section my doctor said they' probably schedule that in my 39th week- so we're looking around November 11th. (if i dont go in to labor before then). i am now almost 12 weeks, and this pregnancy has been very different than the last! for one thing, i started showing at about 5 weeks. 4 weeks along flat tummy, then all of a sudden BAM--BELLY! so it was hard to hide for 6 weeks. (picture below is actually 10 weeks)

 i also had a lot of morning sickness in the beginning- thats actually how i knew i was pregnant. we were trying so obviously i was hopeful but i remember being SO sick at work one day and i just knew. i waited till the weekend to take a test, i really didnt think id get a positive for at least another week but sure enough, there it was! ive also had a lot of pain so far. the sickness wore off so really all i've been dealing with is fatigue-- but this pain has been off and on, and out of nowhere. i never really had that with adelynn so it worried me. this week i had it pretty bad, i ended up calling the doctor. sure enough they told me to come in. they did an ultra sound and said baby looked fine, heart beat was strong (169-- at 8 weeks it was in the 170s), and my cervix was closed. all good things. when i was pregnant with adelynn i actually developed cysts on my ovaries (but it never caused me pain) so they thought maybe it was that again. the way the baby was sitting though they couldn't really get a good view of them. i go back next week for my regularly scheduled appointment for genetic testing, so they'll probably try to look again at that ultra sound.
and the fatigue i mentioned? a whole new level- woo wee! i don't remember it being so bad with adelynn but i also didn't have a two year old to chase around then, so i could nap whenever i wanted, sleep as late as i wanted, lay on the couch all day,etc. not so much this time- so i've been what i like to call drunk tired. it has been hard, especially at work- just feeling like a zombie. but i'm almost in the second trimester so i'm hoping it calms down!

as for gender- we're going to Stork Vision again and they are even nice enough to give me a referral credit! i get 30 bucks off for referring three people to them, love saving some dollars! we go May 31st and i'm so anxious to find out. we have both a boy and girl name picked out already too- and nursery themes! you know me, ahead of the game. i'm an OCD planner fo sho. in my head the baby is a boy, and i've had a couple dreams that it is a boy. but i keep telling myself it is a girl. one of my friends had a dream it was a girl, and my boss/mom dreamnt it was a boy. so who knows. i'm curious to find out.

i'm excited to meet this little one. but also very nervous as to how it will change things. we have such a close bond with adelynn, the three of us. its been all about her- i know it'll rock her little world. she adores babies and baby dolls, so i know after a period of adjustment/jealousy she will be a huge help and a great big sister! i'm just nervous! i know it'll all be okay though. one thing i am dreading though is when i'm in the hospital, being away from her- that'll be really hard. i'm also a little nervous about figuring out daycare. i may end up staying home, or we may be paying an arm and a leg for two in daycare. we're still figuring all that out. so stay tuned ;)

i'll leave you with the first picture of baby 2!

Saturday, January 11, 2014

hey there 2014.

well its been a minute since i've been on the old blog. i do miss it. a lot actually. so here i am. was kinda forced up here to the office, hubs is watching football and i could really care less-- i did all the laundry, dishes, cleaning...and i just couldn't sit there and watch a game,ha. so here i am.

last we left off we had just moved in to the house and i filled everyone in on the hot mess of bad luck we'd had. for the most part things have calmed down. our bad luck continued for a bit longer but now i think we're past the worst.

joey lost his job. was laid off. yep- right after i wrote that last blog. we'd only been in the house a couple weeks. we were so shocked, did not see it coming. they had let off a few people but neither of us were worried. so that was awesome...
luckily a friend hooked him up with some temp work right away- so he did that for a few weeks. then he got a brand spankin new job that he just started this last week! so far he loves it. i don't quite get what it is, so don't ask me. but i know its some kind of mechanic work- not like on cars, but big engines and generators. a lot like what he did in the army- which is great, he was trained to do this kind of work! so we're excited, thankful, and relieved.

adelynn is back to her happy self, it took some time but we got through it. thank goodness- it was  rough period for us. she is still loving daycare, and we do too. she has just exploded with new things, new words, she has developed so much! i can hardly believe she is about to be two. i still see her as my baby!

speaking of baby- everyone is pregnant these days. two of my SILs are prego and both due in May! Court is having a girl (Stella Mae) and Josie is having a boy (name undecided). My oldest friend, Neen, is pregnant too- due in August. I'm so excited for them, all these new little babies! LOTS of baby showers coming up lol.

absolutely nothing new with me. still working away at the dental office. doing the mommy thing. tryin' to be an awesome wife. thats about it! nothing exciting.

Christmas rocked this year and was so much fun with Adelynn. Rang in the New Year with our bffs Britt and Zach. and next up is our FIVE year wedding anniv in Feb. holy crap. FIVE YEARS! :)

anyhoo. time for me to run and make some kinda dinner for the babe and hubs. hopefully i'll have more interesting and exciting blogs in the future- this one kinda blows.

cheers ya'll.

i'm giving up on you.

i heard this song the other day, i'd heard it before. but it had never affected me as much as it did this particular day. i was driving to work, early in the morning- it was still dark out, quiet. it came on, and i found myself listening- like REALLY listening, to the lyrics. before i knew it, i had turned it up and began crying with every single word.

"Say Something"

how is it possible that such a sad song, could make me think of you? of all people. thats when i knew, it was time for me to give up on you. on this. because i just can't do it anymore. i've been trying for years and nothing ever works, or ever seems to get through to you. in the past i've gotten mad or just lost it crying and told myself ' thats it, i'm done! im DONE this time, no more.' but i always went back for more. i couldn't fathom a life without you in it, i couldn't picture you not knowing my kids or having a relationship with them. this is not how i pictured my life going.

all this time i've been trying to figure out how we got here, when we used to be so close. i tried thinking of what it was i did, that was SO awful. i was willing to take blame even if i hadn't done anything. i was willing to beg. i tried everything i could think of. this whole thing between us, affects me every single day. i literally cannot stop thinking about it. it affects my marriage, my relationship with others, my child. don't you see that? the position you are in, is a blessing. and you're throwing it all away. you're ruining it. and for what?

this last time i tried, i poured my heart out to you. once again, i took blame for...whatever. i asked for forgiveness and a new start. i pleaded. your response hurt me in a big way. but part of me is glad for that. maybe i needed to be hurt that badly to open my eyes and see things for what they are.

you have nothing nice to say about me or my family. and i won't stand for it. we aren't perfect. but heres the thing- i built this life for myself. i asked for no help from you, i'm proud of where i am-- and i wanted you to be proud too. i've sought out  your approval my whole life. look at my child, look how beautiful she is. how happy and loving. YOU will miss out on that. one day when she is older, i'll explain to her why you aren't there. and i'll let her know, it was nothing she did-- it was all you. THIS is all you.

i had a light bulb moment and realized something. your love is conditional. if things aren't done your way or you don't agree...then thats it for you. you shut down, pull away, with hold your love. and that is so far from how it is supposed to be. that is not love.

let me say again to be clear: what you are doing, is not love.

you clearly think very very low of me, my family. and thats sad. awful actually. and honestly, i don't need that- we don't need that. i'm not going to beg you to spend time with us anymore. i'm not going to plead for you to love me,accept me. i've shown effort/love/forgiveness, above and beyond-- and you, have shown nothing. i'm not going to submit myself to your judgment anymore. i'm not going to have you disrespect me or my family. you think i don't respect you, which is hilarious to me since it is so far from the truth. you have the right to be respected by me, and i give it whether you see it or not. but you do not have the right to emotionally abuse me, judge my family, or even the right to my love. love is to be earned- and you haven't earned it.

you're always the victim. you can't take responsibility for your part in things. i happily and honestly took responsibility for my part, plus some. you have never- not once. you're hypocritical, confusing.

so from now on, i'm putting forth no effort. i will not hate you. i won't be mean or hurtful. i'm just putting no effort in anymore. i'm not bending over backwards anymore. and i will not let myself get hurt anymore. everyday i struggle to NOT think of you. its sad that it has come to that but it has. i cannot let this saga consume me anymore. the only one getting hurt is me, so i refuse to submit myself to it. not again.

i'm focusing on my life, my family, and the people around me who love me for me- accept me as i am, and love me unconditionally. people who support me, are there for me, and would never think (much less say) such hurtful things to me or about my family.

love is unconditional, think about that.