Tuesday, September 17, 2013


whirlwind is an understatement ya'll. life has been cray-cray lately.

a little over a week ago we accepted an offer to sell our house! ever since, it has been insane around our house.

we started the house hunt right away, we close on 10/4 so from the time of accepting our offer we had about 4 weeks. panic kelly..thats what has been happening ever since. our plan B if we didn't find a house before then was to move in with my in-laws and throw our stuff in storage.

we did find a house we loved, but the inspection was a flop. we are crushed. so, time to start the hunt-again. we're both exhausted, stressed, and so over it. joey is in class, but when we gets home we're figuring out what we want to do from here. i know there is no way we'll find a home, close, move by 10/14- and we of course don't want to rush anything either.we're pumping the brakes a bit. we'll make arrangements/plans to move in with my in-laws for the time being until we find something we love.

so frustrating. i thought selling would be the hard part! i am thankful we sold and got such a great offer. i know we'll find something eventually. trying to focus on the blessings and be thankful.

but man, feelin' low tonight.

stay tuned...