Sunday, December 26, 2010

well hello :)

been a minute! needless to say (as always) life has been hectic!

I think Sept. was the last I posted so a quick recap:

October: nothin major...halloween!?
November: Lilliana's Baptism in Charlotte- such a fun weekend with the Soignets/Bakers!
Thanksgiving of course, and then the birth of my cousin Christina's baby Emma! she is GORGEOUS!

and now December: full of holiday parties, MIL/Dad/Husband birthday, and of course Christmas!

We had an awesome Christmas this year! Christmas Eve we had my uncle, cousin, Mom and grandparents over to our house for dinner and gifts. My mom spent the night with us and we woke up with her Christmas morning- did gifts and had a good time. Then hubs and I sat on the couches in our PJs being lazy till it was time to go over to his Mom and Dads! We were over there most of the day..and it SNOWED! we had a white christmas!! SO unheard of in Ga!!
Today we went to my Dads to do Christmas with him and his wife Donna- ran a couple errands and then spent the rest of the day cleaning/putting up Christmas junk (sad!).

Gearing up for work this week, and New Years this weekend! I think we'll be spending NYE with the Sotos again this year-- nothin like dinner, friends, ( a bit of drinkin!), and bringing the New Year in with a Rosary :)

I'm excited, and hopeful, for what the New Year will bring us. From last year to this year is such a huge change I'm ready to see what happens this time around!

Promise Ill try to be better with blogging! For now: Merry Christmas, Happy New Years, and tomorrow: Happy 24th birthday to my wonderful husband!!!
