Thursday, January 24, 2013

9 months!

9 months on 1/12/13!

- 18 Ibs
-28 inches
- 9 month clothes
- size 4 shoe
-two naps a day
- three bottles
- LOTS of table food
- crawlin' like a champ
- NINE teeth
- pulling up on everything
-assisted walking like crazy
- a handful of sturdy unassisted steps
-new daycare
-self soothing extraordinaire

our baby girl is nine months old! i still see her as my itty bitty baby but she is far from the newborn we brought home! she is super active and all over the place. Actually at her 9 month check up this week the doctor told me she was under weight! i was shocked since i always hear what a big baby we have (which i dont agree with, shes tiny to me!). he said he wanted her closer to 20 ibs but it could be because shes tall, and how active she is. she is pretty much refusing baby food at this point so shes eating what we eat, LOVES cheerios, and bottles of course. Shes also a pro with the sippy cup finally, which usually has water or pedialite in it. no juice yet! she is our typical happy girl, always smiling-laughing-and clapping. She loves to play and tries her best to keep up with the big kids! she loves music and anytime it comes on she starts dancin along, it is the cutest thing ever. Violet has quickly become her FAVORITE toy!

 she started a new daycare this month and we LOVE IT so far.
the daycare is an in home daycare right here in our neighborhood, one street over! so its super convenient  and theres only a handful of other kids there which is perfect. she loves chasing older kids around,and shes getting lots of social interaction. AND (mommy bonus) shes getting the attention i want her to get, and is loved so much by Ms.Freda! I can text her anytime I want, she sends me pictures, keeps me updated through out the day, and has gotten her back on schedule with her naps 2x a day. we seriously couldnt be happier. Shes stimulated all day long, and so happy when i pick her up. it was a stretch financially but its so worth it. Ms.Freda reminds me and joey so much of his mom- and adelynn LOVES her.

im already brainstorming ideas for her first birthday party- i cant believe how soon it is! i took off work for her actual birthday so i can spend all day with her, itll be all about adelynn that day! :) i dont know what we'll do yet- i wanted to take her to the zoo or do something fun, but we'll see. we may just hang out at home, or go meet the grandma's for lunch. who knows!

this was by far my hardest photo shoot lol-- she was standing, crawling, and diving all over the place! it took me two different attempts to try to get a good one! very active baby ;)