Wednesday, October 24, 2012

6 months.

Running a little late with this one....whoops! 6 MONTHS! HALF A YEAR! I cannot believe it.

At 6 months.....

-17 Ibs 13 oz
-26 inches
- 2 teeth
-2 naps
- 3 bottles
-CRAWLING all over the dang place, shes a quick one!
- Pulling up to stand on everything, and so proud of herself every single time. She smiles at me like "look what I did Mommy!"
- Self soothing like a champ; got in to a bad habit of rocking her to sleep (selfishly, I LOVE IT) but after about a week we got her back to self soothing.
- Bed time is anywhere between 7 and 8:30.
-She smiles and laughs at everything, has started "talking and singing" to herself and LOVES TO PLAY!

All in all, as always-- shes awesome :) SUCH a joy, so happy, and I just adore her more than anything in this world!!

I took her monthly tutu picture in the same onesie and headband from her very first one at 4 weeks, just to compare :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Ch Ch Ch Chaaaanges...

Well, a LOT has changed since my last post. I've been slacking big time the last month on blogging, things have been CRAZY!

First the biggest change-- I start a new job soon. CRAZY. I was with the same company for almost 3 years,  I was comfortable there, comfortable in my job. I'm so proud of how far I came-- I started there as a front desk receptionist, but in my time there managed to get moved to 3 different positions. I assisted Accounting for a while, then was a Project Manager Assistant, and finally a Project Coordinator. For someone like me who did NOT graduate college, and only having experience as a receptionist, this is a huge success for me personally. Leaving was a hard, emotional decision. I feel like its a private matter as to I'll leave that one alone.
BUT, this new job will be great for our family. Finally some benefits-- lord knows we need health insurance! (don't worry, baby has it) Its been SO LONG since we've had insurance, who knew I'd ever be so excited!? The fact that I'm starting this job as a Project Coordinator, really makes me proud. Maybe its not a big deal, but for me it is. I'm not starting off at front desk, reception, or as a secretary and having to work my way up. I'm starting right where I want to be. I'm nervous, like the first day of school-- all new people, new company, new procedures to learn...its intimidating but I see it as a fresh start. I'm looking forward to starting, and being seen as an adult- finally. NOT a kid! I'm going to get all new, PROFESSIONAL clothes, and really try to start off on the right foot!

In the meantime, I have two weeks at home to play SAHM with my baby girl :) I'm really enjoying this time with her, its going to be hard to leave her again. (As I'm typing this shes sitting on my lap just watching!) She is FULL BLOWN teething so its been a rough few days, but we're hanging in there. I hate hearing her cry, it breaks my heart. And she seems to have developed a  bit of separation anxiety at night time- she wants to be held. and LORD do I LOVE holding her :) But as soon as I put her down she stands right up in her crib! We're working on it :)

Speaking of that-- we've had quite a few milestones here lately!

4 months: She started scooting
By 5 months she was FULL BLOWN CRAWLING! In the same night she stood up in her crib, and when we went in there to lower it we stuck her on the floor and she took off crawling!
Now she is 6 months and ALL over the place, she also can pull herself up and stand, she is so strong! AND...we have TWO teeth!

A lot happened all at once, she is growing so fast. She also had her first plane ride! We flew to Baton Rouge to visit Joey's family- she did amazing. She didn't cry at all, she was so laid back and really went with the flow. We had a couple rough nights there but I think its just cause she was over stimulated and hardcore teething. But overall she did awesome.

I can't get over how fast shes growing, it really does fly. Even with the teething she is so smiley and happy. Has so much fun playing, and crawling all over us. She is just HAPPY. Even with things being rough at night here lately, she is amazing. But maybe I'm just biased ;)

I'm looking forward to my new start work-wise. I still wish I could be home with her, but for now I'm content with whats going on. I think this will be just what we need, and be a fresh start all around.

No time for pictures-- miss adelynn is ready to PLAY! We're stayin' in our PJs all day and just going to lounge around and PLAY. Soaking up this time with her :)

Till next time..... ;)