Monday, October 31, 2011

Gender Reveal :)

well, if you know us at all--- then you must know by now we're having a GIRL :) !!!

heres how it all went down...

Saturday we got up,ran a few errands, went to lunch- then headed over to Stork Vision Atlanta (HIGHLY recommend, they were AMAZING) to find out what we're having. We met my mom, Dad and his wife, and Joey's parents there. They took us in aroom with two couches, and a big screen tv so everyone could watch!

heres what our little girl did when we tried to look the first time, she shut her legs! (such a little lady!!)

we all got a good giggle out of that! Everytime the u/s tech showed us 'the money shot' i kept thinking to myself girl...but wasn't 100%. Then she did the FHR which was i thought, well maybe it is a boy...(last time her FHR was 161).

At one point it got SO QUIET and the u/s tech was laughing at us all being so serious! we were just so anxious. She told us early on in the u/s she knew what we were having but she was going to wait to tell us. (which drove me nuts at the time lol but i'm glad she waited)

so then, the big reveal.... next thing i know this pops up on the screen:

Everyone got so loud and i instantly started crying!!! it was SUCH an incredible moment! one i will NEVER forget!! joey had the biggest grin on his face- it was just...amazing.

the u/s was our best one yet because at the last one she was sleeping and standing on her head lol so we couldnt get a great picture. but this time she was moving around, kept playing peek-a-boo, moving her arms and legs a lot. it was just unbelievable. an added bonus- we got a disk to take home with the pictures, the tech gave it to us free of charge (we went with the SMALLEST package which was supposed to include a 10 min u/s and two printed out pics) along with an extra picture printed out because she said she felt bad for keeping us waiting (they were running behind that day).
I, again, highly recommend Stork Vision- they were awesome.

Afterward we all got busy texting, calling, facebooking, etc spreading the news! I could not stop smiling, I kept looking at Joey and saying " I am SO excited!!" haha I just couldnt stop.

then we all went to Buy Buy Baby to register and it was so much fun looking at all the baby girl clothes and headbands, etc. ADORABLE. we had a blast, and then met my grandparents and brother at Long Horn for dinner!

it was a very long, busy day but an amazing one! i woke up the next morning remembering it all and just smiling so big.

I'm feeling her move more and more now which is so crazy, but so amazing! feels like little pokes...kinda hard to explain. (i can feel her now!) but i am just so excited about our little girl :) it makes me teary just thinking about it.

Adelynn Grace Rickels... our baby girl :)

Monday, October 24, 2011

House Projects

First of all-- Happy *early* birthday to Miss Riley Quinn Soignet! Her mama is in labor right now and Riley should be here any time, happy for them (congrats L&M!) and excited to see pictures of baby Riley!

and now for my little baby! 16 weeks on Wedns! and we find out gender THIS SATURDAY! I cannot wait!!!

Right now it looks like my mom, Dad, his wife, my granny, Joey's parents, and maybe my brother- are all coming with us, so it'll be really cool to share that with all of them :) afterward we're going to Buy Buy Baby to register, then dinner. I CANNOT WAIT! Our appointment isnt until 2:15 so I know I'll probably be up at the crack of dawn and it'll be the longest day EVER lol.

We got SO MUCH done this past weekend!

-new locks/key on front door (when we originally bought the house we had like 5 different keys so FINALLY got that changed and now have ONE key!)
-Pine straw for flower bed
-Jason, Joey, and FIL built a shed thing in the backyard for all our yard stuff/lawn mower
-Set up Joey's new man cave (garage)
-Turned the old man cave into guest room
-Finally made the babys room, actually a babys room!
*will post pics later

We got SO MUCH done, it was great! The guys of course did most of the work and were a HUGE help! I helped where I could though :) Its so cool to see the baby's room actually LOOK like a baby's room now!! I can't wait to find out gender and really get started on putting the room together :) I kept walking around the house yesterday looking at our 'new' rooms LOL, I'm so happy with how everything turned out!

and now the count down is on for Saturday...any guesses what gender will be!? :)

Monday, October 17, 2011

2nd trimester :)

let me just say first of all...the snoogle = amazing. my sweet mama got me one and i tried it out last night, SO COMFY. :)

anyhoo, i am going to be 15 weeks on Wedns :) 5 more weeks and i'm half way there- HOW weird!!

We've also scheduled an appointment with Stork Vision in Atlanta on 10/29 to find out gender, i seriously cannot wait! i am so excited!! more people are saying they think its a girl now, but most are still saying boy...we'll see!! we invited our families to go with us so i think itll be really cool for everyone :) afterward we're goin to Buy Buy Baby to register! i'd never been there till yesterday and OMG...amazing- they have EVERYTHING! i started an online registry at babies r us, and target- but after seeing BB Baby i gotta register there!! it'll be fun to do it once we find out what we're having too!

i'm still feeling good- no more sickness but my appetite has been kinda slacking. i haven't been eating a ton so i'm really trying to make myself to make sure babys getting what he/she needs! still sleepy, mainly from just not sleeping well at night i think. my backs started to hurt in the last two weeks, and my tummy (from what i've read thats ligaments stretching/organs moving) started hurting last week. but overall feeling good. i have a very noticeable bump now too, def popped in the last couple weeks!

went to the consignment with claire last week and got some great stuff! it was a lot of fun baby shopping :) and it was great having her there cause she helped me figure out what i needed and what i didnt. i didnt get a TON since we don't know gender, but i got a good bit of stuff!

i could probably go on for a while..but honestly? i'm tired lol. so thats all for now!!

Friday, October 7, 2011

ninja baby!

well we had our appointment yesterday..and got to see baby!

FHR 161
Measuring 13 weeks 3 days (as of 10/6/11)

Everything looks great!! I actually lost weight (SHOCKING) but they werent worried about it since baby is growing as he/she should be! My next appointment is Nov 3rd (no ultrasound, boo).

I can't even explain the feeling of seeing our baby. he/she was sleeping so the ultra sound tech had to wake 'em up lol. then baby stretched out their legs and did kind of a kick punch combo! it was so cool! we couldnt get a great picture, because baby was standing on their head with their back to us lol. stubborn little thing! i seriously couldn't take my eyes off the screen, it was just amazing. it made it so much more real for me. it gets me all choked up thinking about it now :)

This picture is of the baby's back/spine!

this one is of the whole body. the head is in the right lower corner, then torso and legs at the top left :)

coolest thing EVER. was hoping for a better picture but I'm happy we got one at all! Its amazing how just 5 weeks ago it was just a little flutter on the screen, and now its...a baby!

I also found out I wouldn't have my anatomy scan at the Doctor until sometime in December...WHAT!? No good lol, we are way too impatient for that! SO we're going to Stork Vision in ATL on Oct 29th to find out the gender! I AM SO EXCITED!!! We can have as many people as we want so I invited the parents, siblings, and my grandparents. 3 weeks, probably gonna go by SO SLOW lol but it'll be worth it. I cannot wait!!

what are your guesses on gender? most were saying boy with only a couple a lot are saying girl! joey is still sticking to boy though LOL - i have ZERO clue, no gut feeling either way!

so overall : great appointment, amazing experience, and so excited for the end of the month to find out gender!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

13 weeks!

YAY for 13 weeks!!!

No major changes on symptoms:
- Night time pee parties
- Heart burn & indigestion
-Back pains

still no more morning sickness! but man the heartburn/indigestion is no joke!!

We have our appointment THIS THURSDAY morning! CAN'T WAIT!! I am so excited to see baby and heart the heart beat again!! I'm also hoping they'll give me a date to look forward to of when we find out gender (my guess is sometime before Thanksgiving). We officially have our boy AND girl names picked out too :) so now, we just need to know what we're having!!

I had a bad dream last night... about losing the baby. so i woke up pretty anxious for our doctor's appointment. i'm excited- but also want to just hear that babys okay. in the mean time, I just keep praying-thats all I can do.

thats a downer huh? anyhoo.. not much of an update- I'll probably post again after my appointment :)