Tuesday, September 27, 2011

12 weeks!

12 weeks this week- woo hoo! I see the 2nd trimester in my very near future!!

-Minor Cramping
-Serious baby bump starting to show
-Hormones (weepiness like you wouldnt believe)

thats about it! I havent been sick in a while, praise the Lord! My next appointment is coming up next week 10/6, I'll be 13 weeks and I CANT WAIT!!! Hopefully at that appointment they can give me a date of when we find out gender :) most people think we're having a boy but theres a handful who think girl- i dont have a gut feeling either way, just dyin' to know!!

my bump is here for sure!! i kept saying i was bloated but my mama told me i cant say that anymore lol. I have definitely felt my uterus stretching. its most definitely making itself known now! And the baby is the size of a plum this week!
Last night we went to the Braves game with my company, and everyone was commenting on my bump- so guess its noticeable now!

I'm feeling good, and excited as ever :) I cant wait to find out what we're having! We have our boy name nailed down, but struggling on the girl name. I had the girl name picked out for years but now that I'm actually pregnant I'm not 100% on it anymore. We haven't found that perfect one yet.

We've gotten a couple more things for baby- found the swing I wanted at a consignment sale! its in perfect condition! LOVE IT! We're slowly but surely collecting things for baby :) I can hardly wait to get the baby room set up!!!

Other stuff going on...

This past weekend we went to Stone Mountain for the Chili Cook Off and it was so much fun! We walked around and taste tested a bunch of chili and brunswick stew- it wasnt TOO hot outside, and it was just nice doing something different. Last night we went to the Braves game with my company- they got us a suite and it was a BLAST. I was exhausted by the time we finally got home and in bed, and am paying for it today too- but it was worth it. Thats Joey's happy place LOL.

This weekend we have our Fall Festival at church and I'm so looking forward to it! I think Joey is also going to work on his mancave project some more too! (I hope so, I need my guest room!)

Then next week is our next appointment!!
and that weekend Claire,Nick, Lilly, (And Brynn!!) are all coming to visit for the weekend- cant wait! Claire & I are hitting a HUGE consignment sale while she's here to baby shop- this will be the first time we've been baby shopping together, so fun- I love that we're pregnant at the same time! We're also going to try to take Lilly to the Yellow River Game Ranch while shes here- I think shell love it!

Thats all for now! :)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

11 weeks!

woo hoo! 11 weeks today! :) feeling so much less scared and WAY more excited!

-Minor Cramping
- FREQUENT pee parties LOL (all during the night)
-Def have a little bump comin' out too. not just bloating anymore LOL

but NO morning sickness this week- hallelujah! I'm hoping maybe that means I'm done with that part of it all. Getting closer to my 2nd trimester! 2 weeks from tomorrow is my next doctor's appointment and we get to see/hear baby again! i cant wait!!

last Friday i went to a consignment sale with my granny, mom, and MIL and walked away with some good stuff. i got 150 diapers for 15$! (we've already started stocking up on diapers!) I also got the co-sleeper i wanted to register for ($150 brand new) for $50! NICE FIND by my MIL! and we found a pretty white night stand that would match the rest of the furniture, they were selling it for 40$ but we waited till the last day when everything went 50% off and got it for 20$! its in great shape too, may need some touch ups here and there but overall it was a great find. i also got a bouncer that vibrates and plays music for $10 to leave at Becca's house! (*will explain) So it was very successful! :) thats the first time i really shopped for baby and it made it seem so much more real!
i'm going to another consignment with claire when she is here in October- i cant wait!

we've also already figured out daycare! my awesome SIL Becca is going to watch baby! She is a SAHM and also watches her BIL's two boys. Shes got her own lil daycare goin' ;) I am so excited she's going to watch our baby- it makes me feel so much better than dropping baby off with a stranger at a germ infested corporate/franchise daycare! PLUS its right by my office, so i can get there in 5 min if i need to, and i can go see baby on my lunch!! SUCH a relief!

joey is getting more and more excited which is so cute to me :) my cousin brought over a bunch of onesies and stuff- and he came home to me folding them all one day in the baby's room and he just smiled and said how cool it was :) i am just as excited!!

thats all for now! :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011


10 weeks this week! woo hoo!! officially in to the double digits and getting even closer to the 2nd trimester!

-Morning Sickness (every day all day)
- Minor Cramping
and some other not so fun things i'll spare you from!

-Pop tarts (so random)
-Sushi (i miss it so much!)

sick every day now, not fun- but happy to do it for baby. My next appointment (10/6) feels FOREVER away. i cant wait to hear and see baby again, this time he/she will actually look like a baby on the screen instead of a little bean!

im moving more in to my maternity clothes already- mainly for comfort. i had no idea maternity clothes were SO comfy! i'm mainly just wearing the pants. i have a few shirts but i'm not far enough along for that yet.

nothing going on other than that- kinda boring right now! all i wanna do...is SLEEP!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

oh, hello morning sickness!

yup... i've officially experienced morning sickness.

worst part is i havent actually "gotten sick" -- my mom said with both pregnancies with me & my brother, she was sick the first 3 months but never actually got sick, just walked around nauseous all the time. luckily it hasnt been all day every day for me- but Saturday and a little yesterday i most definitely experienced it.

all worth it for the baby though, i keep saying it cause it is SO TRUE! i feel bad for the girls who are consistently sick!

otherwise still feeling good- 9 weeks this week. no new symptoms! i cant wait for my next ultra sound (October 6) so we can see and hear our baby again :) i'm so glad joey took a video of the heartbeat, i think i've listened to it a million times already.

yesterday my MIL took me shopping for my very first maternity clothes! Gap had them 40% off so i got some great stuff: shirts, jeans, work pants- all so cute, and SO comfy.
i'm in a weird place where my pants just are NOT comfy anymore...but maternity is still too big. so i'm wearing the band a lot still.

we have our boy name picked out :) but struggling on the girl...i thought i KNEW what i wanted as far as girl name, for years! but now all of a sudden i'm not sure. so gonna have to brain storm on that one :)

thats all for now- not really a big update!

p.s. only three more wks till 2nd trimester, HOW CRAZY!

Friday, September 2, 2011

First Doctor's Appointment

First Doctor appointment went great!

I found out I was 8 weeks ON Wedns (didnt think I'd hit 8wks till Friday) - so thats exciting :) My next appointment isnt until 13wks, in October. Feels forever away!

Joey took this video, of the baby's heart beat :) --next time we'll zoom in on the screen more lol.

I think I've listened to this heart beat a million times over the last few days. what an incredible sound :) it makes it SO much more real to me.

Baby & I both look great and right on track- so thats reassuring :) I am SO excited.

We also got a nice surprise on Tuesday- our crib arrived!! I was so excited!! My mom went ahead and ordered the one we picked out, and it got here super fast. I have a couple pictures but they arent great so I'll take some better ones this weekend. Joey & his Dad got it put together in no time, and I LOVE IT!!
They also installed a fan in there for me, and took off the closet door :)

everyones love,support,prayers...has been amazing. people are saying the sweetest things to us!! we are just so excited; and now that we're public it makes it so much more fun since we can talk about it openly!!

Tonight Vicky is coming over for some girl time,we're cooking dinner and watching movies (starting with Soul Surfer, cant wait I've been wanting to see it!). This weekend we're deep cleaning the house of clutter, relaxing-maybe some pool time, and having a family cook out at the in-laws. so looking forward to the long weekend!! :)

Happy Labor Day everyone!