Monday, November 26, 2012

7 months.

(Late again...bad mama)
7 MONTHS! 11/12/12
Her first birthday will be here before we know it. NOT READY. (but have I already decided on a theme....yep!)
Random facts about our baby girl.....
-Still 3 bottles a day, and food twice a day!
-Introducting baby signing & sippy cup this month!
-Crawling like a pro and pulling up on EVERYTHING.
-She has stood up a few times holding on to nothing; yesterday she did it 4x in a row! early walker? I think so!
- Favorite game is STILL peek a boo! she can't get enough.
- Sleeping through the night again, finally!
-Her top two teeth are taking their sweet time coming through, I have a feeling that'll be the news for her 8 month post. (she's getting her two front teeth for christmas!)
- Napping 2x a day anywhere from 2-3 hours
- Saying Dada like crazy, and I THOUGHT I heard her say MaMa yesterday...could be wishful thinking on my part.
- Getting in to books, or trying to! Her interest has grown but shes too busy to sit still right now.
- Kicking her feet is her new thing- she kicks everytime you lift her up, shes in the car seat, shes in the excersaucer...kicking away!
- Started "singing" a lot more, when shes just waking up in her crib, cutest thing ever.
- Little missy has officially found the camera/monitor! she looks right in to the camera, it is hilarious! Shes even managed to pull it down in her crib and play with it, so THAT will be moving somewhere else soon ;)
Overall she is still our happy girl, laughing always, and busy busy busy all the time. we have truly been blessed with an AWESOME baby girl!

Merry Christmas From The Rickels!

Stationery card
View the entire collection of cards.
Times are tough so I won't be mailing out as many cards as I usually do-- so this will just have to work! ;) I have been SO MIA, new job has been keeping me mucho busy. But Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours!!! (even though its not technically December yet....can ya tell I'm excited!?) I'm so excited since it is Baby's 1st Christmas!! *Cheers!*

Sunday, November 4, 2012

work & friends.

i have been MAJORLY slacking on blogging. i miss it. life has just been SO dang busy, which is always the excuse but its true.

i started my new job two weeks ago-- so far its going well, i'm still learning of course. i've been a project coordinator before but its different- not only because its a different company but its a Sub instead of a GC, different software, different procedures, etc. its going well and everyone is really nice! i have my own office- WITH A DOOR woo! ;) its added some time to my commute, so it takes me about an hour each way but its really not bad. its just cause of traffic- which isn't fun but i enjoy my coffee and listen to The Bert Show! i get 30 minutes for lunch which has been the biggest adjustment- i used to use my lunch hour to run errands cause i never have time after work. so thats been the hardest part- not too bad huh?

(just call me...corporate kelly!)

we've been hanging out with friends a lot lately-- friday night on the way home from dinner with friends we were both talking about how happy we are to have such an awesome group of friends, everyone gets along, and we're all on the same page in life- which just makes things so much easier. Angela & Patrick are expecting their first little one in January and Ash & Trey have their first due in December (on Joey's bday!). i grew up with P and Trey so have always loved them, but we've gotten closer now that we're all adults and i'm so glad they found such awesome wives. i adore all 4 of them and so does joey :) ash is joey's 2nd wife, and trey is my 2nd husband lol its our running joke and just goes to show we really love eachother! its amazing how alike the 4 of us are, scary actually! P has always been a brother to me and i'm so glad to have him, so blessed to know him, and so happy we're in each other's lives more & getting closer--and Ang has quickly become a close friend who i feel like i can go to about anything. i'm so glad they are in our lives, and consider myself lucky that we get to be in their lives and their new little ones. so excited adelynn will have some insta-BFFs ;)

( trey & ashley!)

(joey with his second wife ash, and me with my second hubs trey!)

(P and Ang-- and baby Faith!)

( the two pregos! cousins, 5 weeks apart! Ash/Amelia and Ang/Faith!)

i miss britt so bad-- i got so spoiled seeing her everyday at work, eating lunch everyday. i miss her :( we text and email as much as possible and hang out with the guys every chance we get. she came to see adelynn on Halloween, brought her a card/candy/toy- i thought that was so sweet. shes been there from the day i found out i was pregnant so its been cool to have her there with baby from day one. just goes to show how much she loves my daughter, and that speaks volumes to me. b and i have been friends since 9th grade, went off to college together, live in the same neighborhood, worked together, our husbands worked together- i am so glad this friendship has lasted. she is so important to me!

(Baby and Aunt B on Halloween!)

my gfbf Vik- i am so dang proud of that girl its not even funny. i dont get to see her as often as i'd like, mommy/wife/life/work keeps me busy :( i miss her and our coffee dates. when joey was deployed vik was my other half and i saw her on the reg! she is doing amazing, as i always knew she would. graduated, working full time at gwinnett medical as a surg tech-- i couldnt be more happy for her! her bday is coming up and we're doing our tradition for the 4th (or is it 5th?) year in a row! dinner, twilight tshirt, movie! sad its the last movie in the series :(

(my pretty gfbf and her pup, RIP Jun!)

Neen, my neen! she and i have been sisters since 5th grade! she got married in Sept. and her, J, and shell bell moved out here to loganville- couldnt be happier! life keeps us both busy so i don't see them as often as i'd like, but shes the friend that we can pick up where we left off no matter how much time has passed. she has kicked ass in life, and i am so proud of her.

(my neen and J after saying' i do' !)

i guess this blog turned nostalgic huh? just feeling so thankful for our friends, and all these awesome people in my life.

adelynn is going on 7 months old, jeesh her first bday will be here before we know it!! she said Da Da yesterday and hasn't stopped! joey grins so big every time and cant get enough :) its pretty dang cute. i've been trying to figure out what i want to get her for christmas!! SO FUN!

lots going on. but for now i'm hittin the hay. hubs is watchin the falcons (am i the only one who could care less about football??) and i'm dreading the work week starting! weekends need to be longer! so i'm signing off for now and going to relax for a bit before sleep! really hoping i can get back to blogging more- i enjoy it, whether people read or not- I LOVE it. so hopefully i'll be back :) for now i'll leave ya with some cute pictures from baby's first halloween!
